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    Recent Movie Reviews

    15 Movie Reviews

    I like comparing my opinions to others and being right.

    It makes me sad to realize that this is one of the best flashes you have ever done. It's not that it's bad, it actually is my favorite flash of all time, it's just... well... I can tell there is a different mood to your newer material. You slowly morphed Alfred from this dramatic, anticipation ruling, suspense demanding, well rounded character to a brutal kick-butt, single minded, "hipster" sell-out that you keep wanting to push to just "poarn". Is there no shame in what you do. Take one aspect for example; your voice. To me, the voice acting in any of the Play Houses and this flash are the most dynamic compositions that I have personally have heard recently. But that was some time ago. Was it the drugs? The alcohol? I'm not sure of the source but while I looked deeper I found a little corner called Smut Cave. I expected someone who would be mildly humorous and understandable, but instead find a woman, while attractive, incoherent at best. I stumble to understand her "look I'm wearing a blond wig! I'm somebody else now!" jokes as she clamors vowels on top of vowels, barely holding to what might be a sentence. Mebey that is why you have not made a recent flash that features your voice acting. If you see this, I want to offer you a challenge; try going a whole year without any drugs or alcohol and see where it takes you. After that I say your free to go back to killing yourself with acid and paint fumes again.

    p.s. Don't take any of this offensively, I only feel disappointed in the waisted skill. Please take the challenge, do the world a favor and don't die.

    emily-youcis responds:

    Your review stroked my heart , a finger stroke that had a jagged fingernail. God. have I really become this stupid?
    The only drugs I do is the grass, and i drink to have a good time now and then, incase you were wondering if i've been puking over a toilet these past 5 years. There is no heroin or meth either, you are in luck, sir!!
    During the summer of the interview you saw me in I was going through a rather tough and confusing time in my 19 years of life on this wretched planet, which I assume you will understand, because you have seen The Playhouse,. And youve probably figured, as many times as you've droolled over it, that anyone who made that would've had a Fucked Up Childhood . Do you really think I would have gone this whole time without some sort of a meltdown? I may have made Alfred but im not made of fucking steel.
    Cartoons are still my number one priority. I am beginning an Alfred Alfer feature length animated movie, and I assure you, Valued Alfred Fan, he will go back into as much depth and seriousness and insanity and all that you enjoyed about him before - except much much deeper.
    One aspect of this movie is, ofcourse, Alfred's Corruption. He beleives he is an all-powerful jesus internet Porn Star , exactly what you cllaimed I turned him into him over the years. Yes I did corrupt and smash his very soul, and it was all part of the plan. This is because I am developing this pixelated used superstar sell-out layer. His false self. A version of Dictator Alfred, if you will.
    Yet he remains a reall life rotting dog in a room. He has the rabies. THis grandiosity is all a delusion.... ANyway i need not waste my keyboardddings any further. no one will beleive me until it is done.
    The "Summer" was an experiment in using my female body self ddoing corny jokes like celebrities in order to see if it could get Alfred more fame. And it did, slightly, but not as well as the carrtoons.
    How do you even know how much of that internet was an act? You may simply be falling for my trolling, yet again.
    Be happpy I gave you the Best Flash Experience of your Life, sir. Do not forget that. I promise you my skill wont be wasted, - I'm 22 for fucks sakes, most people havent begun their work at all let alone have had the privelege of having a neckbeard from across the internet criticize the latter years of the Alfred Saga...
    I promise you I wont die, though I've come close. I know getting more ALfred to the public is my divine gift in life and I shant waste my talent.
    I am glad that I did lead you down the Rabbit HOle of Corruption!! SEEeeeeeee ya l8tr!

    What did Hulalaoo do? I bet the only thing he animated was that rocket launch. But it was kick ass, so five star? I guess he could have made the Rina-Chan flash spam thing. He is good at that kind of stuff to.
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    Recent Game Reviews

    2 Game Reviews


    For some reason I cant move. I think it is a computer glitch, but I'm not sure. I can tell by the art style that this will be good game. still couldn't get game play, so thats why I gave it a 9.


    Though it wasnt a game, it did entertain me for sometime. You should make more updates to the too;s and colors to keep this tool live.

    Recent Audio Reviews

    4 Audio Reviews

    I could imagine this as a rock opera. The visual lyrics could be played dramatically while upholding a constant feel of attack. i would love to see someone do an animated adaption straight from this song. I would totally watch that.

    TheDoomrider responds:

    That would be awesome to watch!

    I'm guessing another "FL"er. If I'm wrong may the ghost of a thousand bong chong ghosts turn their heads in my direction with shame. Great song bro. You could add a deeper drop while not structurally damaging the song, but don't make it the melody.

    dicennian responds:

    Let me guess, another "I don't use FL so I hate it"er.

    Recent Art Reviews

    4 Art Reviews

    this is great. With the amount of time that you probably spent on this, it is very detailed, but have you looked in to sub-surface shading? I'm not sure if you had used it but adding or increasing the level of subsurface shading could help mimic skin because light passes through skin. Also the the amount of specularity in the face makes it seem more like silly putty or chocolate pudding rather than skin. Just lowering the reflectiveness a little will make it feel more realistic. you could also work on making the eyes more believable by adding folding of skin above them rather than pulling and stretching them up. putting major detail in the eyes helps to increase realism. It's great the way it is, but subsurface shading has been out for a while and most people don't make use of it. just because he is evil doesn't mean he has different skin than you. keep doing what you are doing and good luck.

    MiddleFingerRings responds:

    You're right, I did actually use SSS, but my settings were a bit funky. Still learning the ins and outs of that tool. Thanks for the tip about the eyes, I'll do that next time.

    To people who thinks that is Ash, it's not. The character's name is called Red. In the Gameboy game pokemon red and the gba remake fire red one of the default names for the protagonist people would always use was "Red". Creepy pasta stories were formed around the name Red, usually portraying the player as some kind of unstoppably good force and pokemon leveled up way faster than the were supposed to in these stories. Red's past is darker than Ashes. People started making comics of what a pokemon show would look like but with Red rather than ash. You can tell the difference becuase they wear the same hat but Red wears his backwards all the time, not just in battles.

    It's a sound capture of the THX logo sound.

    jnv 4 vj4hbjhbfgv

    Chaz @farnayway


    being kick-ass

    your mom

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